The health and well-being of our clients and our staff is our top priority. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, and to facilitate social distancing, we are closing our offices to walk-in traffic. We ask that any service needs be taken care of by phone or email; staff will remain available via those methods.
Please take advantage of the online payment capabilities of your carrier if it is available. To make changes or file a claim, please continue to contact our office via email or phone as you normally would but as always contact the carrier in case of emergency in off-hours situations.
Maintaining a high level of service to our customers continues to be our primary goal while also practicing the preventative measures recommended by the CDC.
Again, at this point, we are still available via phone or email, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any insurance needs! As always, and especially during these uncertain times, we wish everyone good health!
Please feel free to contact us or self-service your needs by the following methods:
- Phone: 715-835-8030
- Carrier Websites:
The staff of Strobel Insurance